Saturday, 17 March 2012

Proper British Tea Girl

This is a lady's outfit. I really like the properness of the puffed shoulder and a-line skirt. It's a bit of a modern take on the proper British day dress, puffed shoulders and a-line skirt. It's interesting when you get to a stage when you're young, but still an adult. You always have the choice of dressing up or down. Don't dress too old. It's better to dress young if you are young, but it's okay to be sophisticated once in a while. I think Dakota Fanning, one of my favorite actresses does a good job of maintaining the balance between youth and sophistication. 

Try wearing an a-line skirt. It suits almost every body type. An a-line starts narrow at the top and flows out towards the bottom. It can flatter or add curves, and basically creates the shape of the letter A. That's why we call it a-line. Once you have an a-line skirt you can pair it with a patterned shirt or a simple sweater. For most students it's probably practical and logical to have a casual level of dressing for school, especially at high school. Spring however has sprung, and I know most of us have major spring fever and are hoping to break out our summer clothes. So this is a good way to be just slightly more dressed up at school for those warm days where you can actually appreciate it.  

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